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“The Prophet Jesus Not Accepted”

Luke 4:21-30

Epiphany 4C, February 2nd, 2025

What is the message about? . . .

As followers of Christ’s teaching and part of the planet’s largest religion, with 2.4 billion people declaring as Christians around the world, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that during his earthly ministry there were many who did not like what they heard from Jesus.  He was crucified after all.  He met some of his most virulent opposition when he preached in the synagogue in his own hometown. What did he say that motivated them to attempt to throw him off a cliff?  St. Augustine said that “too much familiarity breeds contempt.”  Can we become careless or lose respect for someone or something we know very well?  Do we value things less when we are familiar with them?  What can we learn from Jesus being rejected?  See you Sunday morning as we explore this subject further.



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